how to distinguish Michael Kors Hand Bags original or fake

This is how to know the handbags brands Michael Kors original or Fake

Bag draft the renowned fashion house has always been a special attraction for the women. Michael Kors is one of them. Brand famous bags of this America always make a woman fall in love with the simple design and colorful but still impressed elegant. Don't just pay attention to the design, Michael Kors also produce bags with the best quality.
Even so, Michael Kors so one of the brand's popular handbags are often counterfeited. Well, let me not be deceived, you need to know how to distinguish the Michael Kors hands bag original or Fake.
Dear when already spend a lot of money or saving up for months but the ends you just get a fake bag.

Here are some tips that you can consider in choosing Michael Kors bags that you want.

The bag that the original has a structure that is strong and retains the shape of the bag is actually.

Bag original always pays attention to the seams with detail. the stitches should be neat and there should be no defects visible at all.

Bag original always uses a good quality leather, while the bags are false using the skin that is not qualified. Can be distinguished by looking at the handle of the bag, because the bag of quality leather material will not look wrinkled.


Take a look at the brand of a bag. Because of the bag that the original writings of name brand will look embedded on the bag while the fakes will look just stick on the surface a bag.

The main difference is the fabric lining on the inside of the bag. Remember that every brand bag has a different characteristic in the use of a layer of fabric on the inside of the bag.

it is among the ways to distinguish bags original or fake. hopefully useful

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